SIM Legal and Political Research Center– is a non-profit, non-political public organization.
It was registered on 6 December 1999 by the Lviv Regional Department of Justice.
The Organization was established by students of Franko Lviv National University.
SIM CENTRE is a member and one of founder of the Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union (Association of human rights protective organizations, the aim of which is to facilitate practical execution of articles concerning humanitarian provisions set in Concluding Act of Helsinki Conference dealing with security and collaboration in Europe in the year 1975, other international legal documents adopted to its development and also all the other obligations of Ukraine in the sphere of human rights and fundamental freedoms), and it is also the regional coordinator of the Travelling Human Rights Documentary Film Festival Docudays UA in Lviv region.
The mission of the Centre is to facilitate strengthening of Civil Society, Rule of Law, protection of Human Dignity and Human Rights, fulfillment of Legal Reform and Public Policy in Ukraine.
7 principles of work of The SIM Centre:
- activity;
- openness and transparency;
- usefulness to society;
- responsibility;
- self management;
- political unbiasedness;
- solidarity
Activity instruments of The SIM Centre: scientific research and communication programs; monitoring, analysis of policy; human rights protective activity; informational work, non-standard creativity and enlightenment; direct communication, mobile groups.
Aims of the SIM Centre:
- to develop Ukrainian Legal Doctrine and Legal Culture;
- to ensure rights and liberties of humans and citizens;
- to facilitate transformation of Legal System of Ukraine on democracy basis;
- to facilitate development of public policy principles;
- to support capable youth;
- to examine political situation in Ukraine and to introduce the policy of integration into the European structures.
Actual priorities of the Centre activity:
- Analytical work, expert studies on human rights
- Free legal assistance (consultations, drafting documents etc.)
- Judicial protection (including the European Court of Human Rights)
- Participation in advisory bodies at central and local government
- Construction of the educational activities to raise awareness of human rights (workshops, seminars, lectures, rights film clubs etc.)
- Organization of the Travelling International Documentary Film Festival Docudays UA in Lviv region
- Promotion of legal reforms in Ukraine
- A program of involving young people into public life
Centre Active programs:
- Public reception centre providing a free legal aid
- Public monitoring of human rights in law enforcement
- Public monitoring of human rights in places of detention
- Monitoring the right to privacy and preparatory materials for the annual report of human rights organizations on the human rights situation on this issue
- Organization of the Travelling International Documentary Film Festival on Human Rights Docudays UA in Lviv region
- Youth educational Film Clubs Activity
Centre Management: the Board Chairman – Ruslan Zabily, Director – Lidiya Topolevska.